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Surname Interest List for bethanyleigh

bethanyleigh has created a surname interest list. Contact them via the forum here.

Surname Place Year From Year To
Albrecht (A416)
André Dit St Amand (A536)Quebec
Annis (A520)
Bailey (B400)Devon, England
Barant (B653)Norfolk, England
Baumbach (B512)
Bickle (B240)Devon, England
Bishop, Byshoppe (B212)Suffolk/Northamptonshire
Bisshoppe (B210)Suffolk
Bremer (B656)
Burkett (B623)
Burkhart (B626)
Byshop (B210)Buckinghamshire
Byshoppe (B210)Buckinghamshire
Carter (C636)Cambridgeshire
Chamberlayne (C516)Middlesex/Hampshire
Christopher (C623)
Cole (C400)
Cope (C100)Canons Ashby
Cope (C100)Northamptonshire/Oxfordshire
Daoust (D230)Quebec
Dault (D430)
Deblois-Germain (D142)
Delaunay (D450)
Dennys (D520)Thornbury
Dryden (D635)Staffe Hill
Fellbaum (F415)
Ferrell (F640)
Freitag (F632)
Gruenberger (G651)
Haglund (H245)
Heinen (H550)
Höfs (H120)
Höglund (H245)
Holdway (H430)Hurstbourne Tarrant
Holm (H450)
Houldway (H430)Hurstbourne Tarrant
Huff (H100)
Hunecke (H520)
Huneke (H520)
Hutchinson (H325)Alford (Lincolnshire), Tatersall, Lincolnshire
Jonsson (J525)
Junkherr (J526)
Klinkner (K452)
Koch (K200)
Koehler (K460)
Küster (K236)
Lavake (L120)
Lenhof (L510)
Lesage (L220)
Leveque (L120)
Lilly (L400)
Maaß (M000)
Marbury (M616)Alford (Lincolnshire)
Meyer (M600)Bavaria
Mignault Dit Labrie (M254)
Munday (M530)Hampshire
Olofsdotter (O412)
Olsdotter (O423)
Parker (P626)
Paulus (P420)
Peck (P200)
Perkins (P625)New York
Plantagenet (P453)Winchester Castle
Raddatz (R332)
Raleigh (R420)Farnborough, Canons Ashby, Ogbourne, Warwickshire,
Reeves (R120)
Reiss (R200)
Retzlaff (R324)Pomerania
Rosenberger (R251)
Sauter (S360)
Savoie (S100)
Schue (S200)
Schueler (S246)
Schulte (S243)
Shaffer (S160)
Steel (S340)
Steils (S342)
Tawzer (T260)
Treischel (T624)
Watson (W325)New York
Weinreis (W562)
Weiser (W260)
Wonnacott (W523)Thornbury, Norfolk, Cookbury
Wooldridge (W436)Northlew, Hurstbourne Tarrant, Highampton, Beaworthym Tutchenel, Ogbourne St George, Lower Rowden,
Woolridge (W463)Andover, Faccombe, North Lew
Workman (W625)
Yunkherr (Y526)
Ziemann (Z550)Stargard, Regenwalde, Pommern