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Old 24-02-12, 15:39
Margaret in Burton's Avatar
Margaret in Burton Margaret in Burton is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire
Posts: 5,286
Default Lucy Moss

Name - "official" name and what they were known as

Lucy Moss

Date and place of birth

c 1762 possibly in Oxfordshire

Names of parents


Date and place of baptism - if applicable

Unknown but could be RC, her children were RC

Details of each of his or her marriages - if any

23 November 1787 in Heythrop, Oxfordshire to Stephen Stanbridge

Marriage bond has the following details:

Know all men by these presents that we Stephen Stanbridge of Heythrop in the county of Oxford, Gentleman servant and John Doe are held and firmly bound to the right reverend father in God John by Divine permission Lord Bishop of Oxford lawfully constituted in two hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to be paid to the said Lord Bishop or his certain Attorney executors administrators or assigns for the true payment where of we bind ourselves and every of us by himself for the whole and every part thereof and the heirs Executors and administrators of us and every of us firmly by these presents sealed with our seals dated the 19th day of November in the 28th year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the third by the grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland King defend of the faith and in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven

The condition of this obligation is such that if hereafter there shall not appear any lawful Let or impediment by reason of any per contract entered into before the Twenty Fifth day of March One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Four consanguinity affinity or any other lawful means whatsoever but that the above bound on Stephen Stanbridge a bachelor and Lucy Moss a spinster may lawfully solemnize marriage together and in the same afterwards lawfully remain and continue for man and wife according to the laws in that behalf provided And moreover if there be not at this present time any action suit plaint quarrel or demand moved or depending before any judge ecclesiastical or temporal for or concerning* any such lawful impediment between the said parties nor that either of them be of any other parish or of better estate or degree than to the judge at granting of the licence is suggested and by him sworn to

And lastly if the same marriage shall be openly solemnized in the church or chapel in the licence specified between the hours appointed in the constitutions ecclesiastical confirmed and according to the form of the book of common prayer now by law established and if the above bound in Stephen Stanbridge do save harmless the said Lord Bishop his chancellor his surrogates and others his officers whatsoever by reason of the Premises then this obligation to be void or else to remain in full force and virtue

Occupation(s) - if any


Addresses where they lived (including county if in UK) - and please list which censuses you have or haven't found him/her on (if s/he lived in census times!).

At time of marriage - Enstone, Oxfordshire
At time of burial - Heythrop, Oxfordshire

Date, place and cause of death

14 August 1828 - Heythrop, Oxfordshire (Gravestone)

Date and place of burial.

In the grounds of the RC chapel at Heythrop, now on private ground.

Details of will / administration of their estate - if applicable


Memorial inscription - if any

Yes, just has her name and date of death.

Link to son: Thomas Stanbridge

Last edited by Margaret in Burton; 09-10-12 at 11:03.
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