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Old 21-10-18, 22:36
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Just waiting for OH to accept his invitation...….

Now, is there anything I should know with regard to uploading my tree (or should I say our joint tree) on OH's account? For starters, I know I have quite a few living people on it so they need to be private. Also, I do have a couple of large branches who are not related to either of us. If I can remember who they are (), do I need to exclude them?

Currently OH doesn't have a tree uploaded.

"Something has been filled in that I didn't know was blank" Matthew Broderick WDYTYA? March 2010
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Old 21-10-18, 23:33
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kiterunner kiterunner is offline
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Ancestry automatically keeps living people private, but I suppose this isn't exempt from software glitches.

People marked as “living” in family trees are not visible in searches at any privacy level. Living people are visible only to the tree owner and to anyone the tree owner invites to the tree and authorizes to see living people. If no death information is provided, people under 100 years old are considered to be living. If your tree is public, the only way to make someone private without making the whole tree private is to mark them as living.

If you upload files to a public tree that you later make private or delete, your files may continue to exist publicly or privately on family trees of people who saved them to their trees during the time your tree was public.

More info on here:

Family History News updated 6th Jan
1921 Census added to Ancestry
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Old 22-10-18, 08:15
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marquette marquette is offline
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My ancestry tree sprawls out like a spider web, so when my daughter wanted to "do" her DNA, I made a separate tree of just her direct ancestors - that way anyone with a DNA match could find the common ancestor (hopefully). Now I have also become a manager for our other close relatives who don't have their own trees - my father, my sister-in-law and my niece and linked them to the DNA tree.

I entered just enough information to identify each person in the tree, but will slowly add the rest of the records, like census but probably wont go too far in adding siblings and other relatives. If someone has a DNA match to one of our family, then they must have at least one ancestor the same.

I am astonished by the number of DNA matches who dont have a family tree attached and with others who do, they dont go back far enough to work out who the common family member is. I can tell, however, if my daughter and my sister-in-law both have a common match, it's from my husbands side of the family.

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