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Old 05-08-11, 13:40
anne fraser's Avatar
anne fraser anne fraser is offline
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Default Joseph Wilton

Name - "official" name and what they were known as
Date and place of birth
Names of parents
Date and place of baptism - if applicable
Details of each of his or her marriages - if any
1, Ann
2. Elizabeth died 1783
Occupation(s) - if any
landowner farmer

Addresses where they lived (including county if in UK) - and please list which censuses you have or haven't found him/her on (if s/he lived in census times!).
children baptised 1779, 1781 North Stoke.
Date, place and cause of death 1808 Swineford possibly son's house
Date and place of burial.
8 Jan 1808 St. Martin's Northstoke
Details of will / administration of their estate - if applicable
Memorial inscription - if any

Last edited by anne fraser; 05-08-11 at 14:50.
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Old 05-08-11, 13:47
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anne fraser anne fraser is offline
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Return to Joseph Wilton WillJoseph Wilton of Swinford in the Parish of Bitton in the County of Gloucester, farmer, being weak in Body, but of sound and disposing Mind, Memory and Understanding do make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say), First I will that all my just debts, Legacies, Funeral Expenses and the Charges of proving this my last Will and Testament be paid and discharged. And then I give, devise and bequeath unto my Son Thomas Wilton all and singular my Household Goods, Plate, Linen, China and Wearing Apparel of every Sort and description whatsoever. Also, I give and bequeath unto my Son in Law George Cox the Principal Sum of one hundred pounds which is now due and owing to me from his Father Mr. William Cox of Weston on his promissory Note of Hand, but all Interest that shall be due thereon at my decease I direct shall not pass in this my Legacy to my said Son in Law but be considered as part of my Estate hereinafter disposed of. Also, I give and bequeath unto my Son John Wilton all and singular my Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments with all appurtenances thereunto belonging situate lying and being in the Parish of Coldashton in the County of Gloucester To hold unto my said Son John Wilton, his heirs, Executors, Administrators and Assigns. Also I give and bequeath unto my Son Thomas Wilton all those two Messuages or Tenements together with the orchard, garden and all appurtenances thereunto belonging situate and being in the Parish of Northstoke in the County of Somerset To hold unto my said Son Thomas Wilton, his heirs, Executors, Administrators, and Assigns All the Rest, Residue and Remainder of my Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever Monies, Securities for Money, Book debts and all and singular other my Estate and Effects of which I shall die possessed, I give, devise and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto my Friend John Morley of the City of Bath, Gentleman, and my son in Law Richard Bryan of Longridge, Farmer, to hold unto them, the said John Morley and Richard Bryan, and the Survivor of them, his heirs, Executors, Administrators and Assigns Upon Trust that they and the Survivor of them, his heirs, Executors, Administrators and Assigns do and shall put and place out at Interest as they or the Survivor of them shall see fit the Sum of one hundred and seventy pounds, which said Sum together with the Interest to grow due thereon, I will shall be paid and disposed of as follows (that is to say) The Sum of Ten pounds and the Interest thereof to each of my Grandchildren, John Bryan, Richard Bryan, Lewis Bryan, Mary Bryan and Nancy Bryan, sons and daughters of my said Son in Law Richard Bryan by my daughter Betty, each Sum of Ten pounds and the Interest thereof I direct shall be paid when my said Grandchildren shall respectively attain their age or ages of Twenty one years, and if any or either of them shall die before attaining that age, I will that the Share or Shares of him, her or them so dying shall go to the Survivors, share and share alike, and if all should die but one then the whole to the Survivor. Also the sum of Twenty pounds and the Interest to grow due thereon to each of my three Grandchildren Mary Ann Wilton, Joseph Wilton and Thomas Wilton, sons and daughters of my Son Thomas Wilton, to be paid to them on their respective attainments of their age or ages of Twenty one years, with the like benefit of Survivorship as is hereinbefore mentioned with Respect to my Grandchildren of the Name of Bryan. Also the Sum of Twenty pounds and the Interest to grow due thereon (being the Remainder of the said Sum of One hundred and seventy pounds) to each of my Grandchildren George Cox and Thomas Cox, sons of my Son in Law George Cox by my late daughter Mary Ann, to be paid to them on their respective attainments of their ages of Twenty one years, and if one of them should happen to die before attaining that age, then I will that the Survivor shall have and receive the whole thereof. And all the Rest, Residue and Remainder of my Estate and Effects whatsoever, whether real, Leasehold, Copyhold, Chattel or Personal, of which I shall die possessed, I give, devise and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto my son John Wilton, his heirs, Executors, Administrators, and Assigns. And lastly, I do hereby make, nominate, constitute and appoint the said John Morley and Richard Bryan Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking and making void all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made. In Witness whereof I, the Testator Joseph Wilton, have to this my last Will and Testament contained in three sheets of paper, to the two first sheets thereof set my hand and to this third and last sheet thereof my hand and Seal the second day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and eight – Joseph Wilton @ - Signed, sealed, published and declared by the Testator Joseph Wilton as and for his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who in his Presence at his request and in the Presence of each other have subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto – Anthy. Wingrove, Bath – Henry Wathers, Upton – Matt. Miller, Atty., Bath.

Th is Will was proved at London the nineteenth day of February in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and eight before the Right Honorable Sir William Wynne, Knight Doctor of Laws, Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oaths of John Morley and Richard Bryan the Executors named in the said Will, to whom Administration was granted of all and singular the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the deceased, they having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer.

very helpfully names all his children and grandchildren. I have also found a marriage announcement for his daughter in Bath Georgian newspapers.
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Old 06-08-11, 15:24
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A2A has a listing for Assignment of insurance policy: Thomas Russell of Newton St.Loe, schoolmaster, and Thos.Portus of Bath, tailor, (devisees of Rachel Fear of Weston) to Joseph Wilton of North Stoke, butcher: on house in Weston [?Bath or W.s.M.] 25 June 1783

Could it be your Joseph? I have one or two in my tree who were both butcher and farmer.

Family History News updated 6th Jan
1921 Census added to Ancestry
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Old 06-08-11, 15:50
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anne fraser anne fraser is offline
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that's interesting. I have a couple of butchers and farmers as well. Weston is usually Bath. My father went to Upper Weston school Bath. The farm which is near Landsdowne racecourse later became a horse stud.

Last edited by anne fraser; 07-08-11 at 10:34.
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Old 03-10-11, 00:30
dohertypm dohertypm is offline
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I have just come across your Wilton listings on this forum. I am descended from the Wiltons but am very distantly related to you. However, I have done quite a bit of research and could probably fill in some of the gaps you might have. Let me konw of you are interested.


Paul Doherty
Alexandria VA
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Old 03-10-11, 14:26
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anne fraser anne fraser is offline
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I would be very interested. Are you desended from Moses who emigrated to Australia?
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Old 10-10-11, 21:58
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anne fraser anne fraser is offline
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Just a quick update I have been in touch with Dohertypm who has found wills for Joseph's father and grandfather and I think can get me back another two generations so this site does work.
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Old 14-10-11, 08:45
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anne fraser anne fraser is offline
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This is very interesting stuff. Joseph's father was John and he took out a mortgage to build 5 Royal Crescent Bath which Joseph inherited a share of. Now that is one house I would like to have kept in the family. John left a will naming about 12 children, 3 son-in-laws and leaving £5.00 each to Joseph's two oldest children for mourning (named) - nice man.

Last edited by anne fraser; 14-10-11 at 09:01.
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