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Old 11-03-21, 21:31
Olde Crone Olde Crone is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 4,800

I agree entirely with Phoenix's observations. My full tree is on paper which makes it much easier to accommodate lots of notes about conflicting information. Generally speaking, I record the earliest primary record as fact (although I have at least two of those which I know not to be true - I have appended notes to this effect and the reasons).

Once we get into printed genealogies, I have two major works I refer to, both of which I have checked against primary records. One has turned out to be 100% accurate, the other about 95%. Where my research differs, I quote both the printed genealogy and my personal research.

Heralds Visitations do indeed differ and I have coped with this by putting both/all versions in my tree - easy on paper. Sometimes a random piece of evidence comes to light which clarifies one or the other but Ia lways leave the "wrong" version just in case. It is easy to scribble in sources on paper and as my research methods have always been to browse a whole resource, I usually know where I have looked, so that I don't repeat searches.

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