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Old 13-10-12, 09:32
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Tom Tom Tom Tom is offline
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Posts: 567
Default An interesting find...

I am teaching my Year Five class about the Victorians and linking to maths.

We have to create a bar chart with the ages at death of a community from 1889 - 1899.

I have just gone through and collected the data myself (they will collect it themselves though, based on the burial records I give them).

Burials in Packington, Leicestershire 1889 - 1899

Under 5 years - 16 burials
Aged 6 - 20 years - 6 burials
Aged 21 - 40 years - 13 burials
Aged 41 - 60 years - 20 burials
Aged 60 - 80 years - 25 burials
Aged 80+ years - 18 burials

Total - 98 burials

Obviously the fact that it was fairly remote and mostly a farming community has an impact on the results.

Does anyone have the burial records for a city centre during this time period?
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