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Old 14-10-12, 08:21
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My parents are quite accepting of whatever I find.

Mum was more than happy that her first maternal ancestor to arrive in Australia was not called John but rather was George and George was a convict. Aunt M, however, was the one who said George was called John. Mum thinks M must have known George was a convict but was embarrassed by it.

Dad's side is supposed to have a baronet somewhere on the direct paternal line that went bankrupt and another line came from Scotland and there was a pharmacist.

I haven't gotten the paternal line back far enough but I think there is a baronet in Scotland there on a female line. However in Scotland at the time you could buy a baronet. The bankruptcy was 2 generations later and while I wouldn't say bankrupt she didn't have much money and changed her will to reflect the loss of property.

The pharmacist from Scotland was actually a travelling chemist from Yorkshire who went to Scotland.

OC I heard recently that the medical profession has decided it is possible to die of a broken heart. It is also possible however to recover from the condition. It was quite interesting.
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