Thread: William Seaman
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Old 30-05-22, 21:47
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Madras Weekly Mail 4 May 1899
Sir, - With reference to the Occasional Note in your issue of the 27th instant re "J.F.M." wishing to know whether he does not beat the record as the oldest European resident in India, having come out in 1839, doubtless he and some other veterans will be surprised to hear that there is now living in Bangalore Pensioned Sergeant-Major William Seaman, of the Royal Horse Artillery, aged 81, who landed in India, on the Madras shores, in 1836. He was then 18 years old, and a gunner in the Artillery. He is a 6 feet man and hails from Norwich; has served 33 years in the Madras Army, and was never entered once in the defaulter's sheet, for which he received the medal for good conduct and meritorious service, which carries with it an annuity of £10. After being pensioned, he was employed in the Madras Police and Jail Department for a period of 14 years and retired with a gratuity, making a total service of 47 years with the Government. Out of his 63 years' residence in India, he has only been to England once, and that was for two years.
Trichinopoly, 29th April. J. F. S. [one of his sons]

They had some more letters in, some of which beat William's record.

Family History News updated 21st May
Lancashire Non-conformist records new on Ancestry
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