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Old 02-01-19, 00:17
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Originally Posted by Margaret in Burton View Post
This is to do with the elusive Peter Henry Harrison 1885-1965 (see previous posts if you haven’t a clue)

We know nothing at all of his forefathers.

My husband, his last remaining grandson passed away in March. His son, my husbands uncle, past away in November.

My husband only has three remaining cousins on that line, all female. We don’t speak to two of them, twins, and the other one though usually ok might soon become embroiled in an argument regarding the uncle’s will which might cause a family row.

I have two daughters. Would their DNA help or would it be too diluted . PHH was their great grandfather.
If PHH was your daughters great-grandfather, they should share about 850 cms (centimorgans) with him - but maybe not exactly the same bits. Your husband and his cousins would have about 1700cms from PHH, but not necessarily the same bits (and would have matches around 850cms).

So your daughters' DNA may be useful in finding PHHs relatives/ancestors, rather than asking reluctant cousins.

For my part, I got my father to test his DNA, hoping for some positive matches with distant cousins to find his 3xg grandmothers family. He has matches with 4 second cousins and 15 third cousins, and most are from his paternal line!

Two of his grand-daughters have also tested - and they have different amounts of his DNA - some of his cousins match to both girls, and some to only one, so clearly they have different bits of grandpa's DNA.

For Dad, there is a clear (84cm - centimorgans not centimetres!) match with a fourth cousin in the US, and a 41cm with another descendant of that line (a sister of great grandmother). I recognised the surnames as soon as I saw them, having done a bit of research on the descendants.

i am hoping that by finding another 50-100cms match with all three, which might link up with 3xg grandmothers supposed family.

I have put everyone's DNA files also on GEDmatch but there are a lot more smaller (15-25cms) matches and its hard to get anyone to answer an email to try and figure them out.

A lot will depend on if anyone else has had their DNA tested - as far as I can tell, not one of my Dad's Page rellies has, yet - not even in the UK.

Hope this helps a bit?

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