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Kit 07-03-19 00:33

DNA - proven or disproven
We all do DNA tests for various reasons, my Dad was curious about his ethnicity, which was as expected except for 2%, which had us all laughing. Others do it to prove their tree correct or to fill in blanks or disprove something they have been told.

I'm just curious has anyone had a DNA test disprove something you believed to be true? Or proved something you had thought untrue? I'm not trying to open a can of worms and talk about things close to home, unless people want to, but maybe more distant theories you had?

Also comment about things DNA has proven, that you are happy about.

For me this is more of an interest and another avenue or research. I am happy to discover people I have had contact with as we share the same relatives have also had DNA tests so my research is correct, at least on those lines.

Phoenix 07-03-19 06:43

When her mother died, best mate was told her father wasn't her father. This was a cruel and unnecessary lie, which DNA triumphantly refuted.

Her mother's mother reinvented herself, changing her name and breaking contact with her family. We were told that her parents were an Irish farmer and a French actress. Well, we knocked that myth on the head too.

As for me, I think that my Granny was a changling.....!

marquette 07-03-19 07:48

I convinced my Dad to do an Ancestry DNA test to try and solve some of the mysteries of his Sussex ancestors.

Firstly, his great-great grandfather Charles Tupper's baptism in 1807 was recorded without parents. I deduced/assumed that his parents were probably Thomas and Ann who had other children baptised in the same parish around the same time.

Two DNA matches who have family trees which include members of the same Tupper family, although I would like to check up on their research before I am totally satisfied that I am correct.

Secondly there are several problems in researching his grandmother Laura Martin's family. I think her father Robert was the only son of his family to have children, although its possible his brother James did. Although I can find birth records for the four sons (two died in infancy) I cannot locate a marriage for their parents, William Martin and Elizabeth Berwick. A DNA match to someone with Martin or Berwick ancestry might point me in the right direction there.

Also Laura's grandmother Sophia (nee Linn) Bishop, is missing a baptism.
Circumstantial (children's Baptism records, census records) indicate she might be a child of Nicholas and Sophia (nee Lee) Linn. Dad has a reasonable (34cms) with a fourth cousin, descendant of another of Sophia's daughters, so I am hoping to find a fifth cousin, a descendant of one of the other Linn children.

20 of Dad's closest 21 DNA matches are from his paternal Collis family - and more are scattered through his more distant DNA matches - all from the four siblings who migrated to Australia.


Kit 07-03-19 11:40


Originally Posted by Phoenix (Post 357613)
As for me, I think that my Granny was a changling.....!

I think a few of us have that issue.

My Leeds colour thing has 2 gaps in it, although I did 8 colours, not 4. I do have lots of matches that I can't work out and could fill the gaps though.

I'm trying to work out if I know paternity at a certain point must be correct based on DNA matches does that imply other things are correct. I'm going to look at it again tomorrow but there may be a new thread coming. :rolleyes:

kiterunner 07-03-19 12:16

I have posted this before on here, but anyway: there has always been a theory that my father had some Jewish ancestry, but I had eventually managed to trace all his official lines back a few generations and found none. Then he and I both had DNA tests which came up with significant percentages of Jewish DNA, and we finally managed to figure out that my Granny's biological father was from a Jewish family who lived round the corner from her mother's family.

Apart from that line, so far, I have confirmed DNA matches on both sides of my paternal grandfather's tree, and on my paternal grandmother's mother's side, then on my maternal grandfather's father's side, but not on his mother's side yet, and on most of my maternal grandmother's lines but still have a couple of those to prove.

Anstey Nomad 07-03-19 19:40

DNA testing proved my research on my four times great grandfather. It also very rapidly proved, through the matches, that my Dad was actually my biological father, which I had doubted for many years.

Kit 08-03-19 03:50

I'm quite impressed with your detective work Kate.

maggie_4_7 08-03-19 06:41


Originally Posted by Kit (Post 357655)
I'm quite impressed with your detective work Kate.

Me too.

kiterunner 08-03-19 09:16

Thanks. It took a lot of work!

maggie_4_7 08-03-19 09:45


Originally Posted by kiterunner (Post 357668)
Thanks. It took a lot of work!

I think this is the problem, most people seem to think once you have a DNA test it will unravel all the mysteries but as we all know it takes a lot of work and even more so when there are all these people coming up as matches with absolutely no trees online.

That is why I think people lose interest, they don't realise the work that goes into it and unless you really enjoy it, the journey as well as the results, it is probably a bit if a waste of time especially on Ancestry because they must have taken their DNA tests with them but have no trees!

The other danger is it will unravel a mystery they didn't even know existed.

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