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Kit 15-07-20 09:01

ancestry groupings
Can we bulk add matches to a group?

Why I'm asking is that ancestry will be changing how matches are displayed and accuracy of matches and we will lose matches under 8cms.

I know they are very distant, if they are real matches, but I don't want to lose them.

If we have them sorted into a group we can keep them.

I just don't want to do it one at a time.

kiterunner 15-07-20 09:29

I don't know of a way to do it, but would be interested if anyone does know of one.

Kit 15-07-20 09:57

If I find anything I'll let you know.

Phoenix 15-07-20 10:13

Not bulk adding, but you could search by surname (say) and then click on a group.

I have looked at every single match (and eliminated 25.9k of them) and it took MONTHS.

But there are some very low matches with useful trees. And I don't appear to have much genetic material in common with my favourite ancestors.

kiterunner 15-07-20 10:16

I plan to filter by shared data - 6 to 8 cM's, then select those with trees and add them all to a group or put in a comment (since I am currently maxed out on groups so I would have to merge two existing ones to make room for a new one). But I have no idea how long that would take! Maybe it won't be worth it.

Kit 15-07-20 11:37

there is no way to bulk add to a group. You have to do it one by one

maggie_4_7 17-07-20 11:09

Will they still be there after Ancestry discount 7cm and lower even if they are put into groups?

Phoenix 17-07-20 11:42

Anything with a group, a note or a message will remain.

It sounds as if you will lose common ancestors unless you have marked them.

The bummer is those with no trees. I have found a dozen or more that I initially rejected, subsequently putting up trees which demonstrate (at least a potential) relationship.

I have revisited all my 6-8 matches, but this would be an impossible task for anyone starting from scratch now.

maggie_4_7 17-07-20 11:53


Originally Posted by Phoenix (Post 377090)
Anything with a group, a note or a message will remain.

It sounds as if you will lose common ancestors unless you have marked them.

The bummer is those with no trees. I have found a dozen or more that I initially rejected, subsequently putting up trees which demonstrate (at least a potential) relationship.

I have revisited all my 6-8 matches, but this would be an impossible task for anyone starting from scratch now.

Do you mean that common ancestors won't show up even if grouped?

Phoenix 17-07-20 12:28

They'll show if you've colour coded them.

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