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kiterunner 21-10-12 10:06

Ancestry occupation records "coming soon"?
Ancestry's UK home page is showing me a box that says "Coming soon - Occupation Records 24 October". But when I click on it, I just get a page about Irish records which are already available. So I don't know exactly what they are talking about, but something is coming on Wednesday! Anyone got any more information? I don't think I can post this on the news board until I know what it means!

Merry 21-10-12 10:51

I couldn't see that ad, but found myself here:

Ancestry Occupations records

But I don't think any of that is to do with the ad :o

kiterunner 21-10-12 11:05

Thanks, Merry. We will probably just have to wait until Wednesday to find out what it is.

kiterunner 24-10-12 08:49

It looks as though it's just some Warwickshire records:

And I reckon the vast majority of those are hearth tax lists and jurors' lists, not related to occupations! Useful for those with Warwickshire ancestors, anyway, but I think some of them may have already been online?

Nell 27-10-12 10:12


I've found a few of my Whichford, Warwickshire ancestors - but the info doesn't tell me anything much, just name and occupation (which I already knew) but its helpful to have a few dates as a framework when looking for vital events.

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