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Old 01-03-19, 11:44
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I've been rather upset I don't have any thrulines since I heard about them. However having had a look at a few online trees today I'm never going to get any. The ancestry trees are just so wrong but also so easily checkable. People don't care if they have the right tree or not and are happy to blindly follow what is already online. I've spent the last hour or so rechecking some of my own work as all the wrong trees had me doubting myself.

It would be nice if Dad's first cousin once removed showed up in the thrulines though. I know his tree is correct.
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Old 01-03-19, 19:18
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BM has a well-contructed tree, and no Thru Lines.
The only reason I can see for this is that I refuse to name her parents on her tree. It is, after all, not MY tree, and she has living decendants who may have qualms.
Those of you for whom Thru lines are working, have you named every ancestor?

I can see that where twenty researchers have all made the same mistake, and all other descent has died out, Thru lines might not be true lines.
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Old 01-03-19, 19:30
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Hi Toni

Yes, if there is a mistake in a tree, there will not be any ThruLines.

Can you ask your Dads cousin to do a DNA test? At least then you could if there are any who ARE related but just a have the tree a bit wrong?

OH's has no DNA matches with a lady who insists that HER Bennett is the same as HIS, and for a long while I went along with her. Now I have proved that the fathers were different on a marriage certificate. That family has asked about DNA results, but I know there won't be any matches, at least not at the level they expect. May be she will get the message via DNA.

Another of OH's matches has stepson linked to the family as the primary ancestor, but its actually his wife, who was a niece of his stepfather - the DNA link is true but the tree is back-to-front.

OH's DNA matches seem to have the most problems with their family trees - does this mean my family is more straightforward, or just better researchers?

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Old 01-03-19, 20:08
ElizabethHerts ElizabethHerts is online now
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Since the new features have been added on Ancestry I can't seem to order my results by location. For example, I click on South-East England, but just seem to get all my matches. It's really annoying because I have relatively few matches for southern England, where most of my ancestral lines were from.
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Old 01-03-19, 20:41
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Originally Posted by Phoenix View Post
BM has a well-contructed tree, and no Thru Lines.
The only reason I can see for this is that I refuse to name her parents on her tree. It is, after all, not MY tree, and she has living decendants who may have qualms.
Those of you for whom Thru lines are working, have you named every ancestor?

I can see that where twenty researchers have all made the same mistake, and all other descent has died out, Thru lines might not be true lines.
For my daughter, I created a specific DNA tree - just her direct ancestors, including her living grandparents The only ones who show up in her ThruLines are those who are linked to her grandfathers public tree. But none of the living show up except as a "Private" person, male or female. Anyone in a private tree only shows up as a private person.

If you click on a private individual who is deceased, you will be able to see their name and date of birth, but not for anyone living. Depends on how keen a researcher you are if you want to investigate the deceased further.

My daughter shows up just as RC in anyone else's ThruLines, as she has done a DNA test, but no details will be available. As I haven't, I just show up as private no details.

This also happens with my second cousin and his grand-daughter (who have had DNA tests) who are listed on ThruLines but only by their "nickname", but her mother does not. No other details are available for them.

If there is a mistake in the family trees, then no ThruLines will be indicated, because they will only match a DNA test with a family tree.

If the DNA tested has no link to a tree, there is no ThruLine. To make a ThruLine to someone that a tree believes has no descendants, I think at least one tree (probably the DNA subject) needs to make the link.

My dad and daughter have dozens of DNA matches who dont show up in ThruLines as they have no family trees, public or private, attached or unattached.
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Old 02-03-19, 01:36
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Originally Posted by marquette View Post
Hi Toni

Yes, if there is a mistake in a tree, there will not be any ThruLines.

Can you ask your Dads cousin to do a DNA test? At least then you could if there are any who ARE related but just a have the tree a bit wrong?


OH's DNA matches seem to have the most problems with their family trees - does this mean my family is more straightforward, or just better researchers?

The first cousin once removed has done a DNA test and shows up in the matches. His tree is accurate as far as I have looked and we have the same details for Dad's great grandfather so I feel we should be a ThruLines match. There is also a second cousin, unknown to me, but his tree matches mine so he should also show up on ThruLines.

Just be grateful your side is easier to research or your relatives research better. I made a comment to OH that his mum must have gotten her brains from her maternal side as the researchers on the paternal side weren't very bright. Although there is no DNA testing there, there is always hope they aren't actually related.

Originally Posted by Phoenix View Post
BM has a well-contructed tree, and no Thru Lines.
The only reason I can see for this is that I refuse to name her parents on her tree. It is, after all, not MY tree, and she has living decendants who may have qualms.
Those of you for whom Thru lines are working, have you named every ancestor?

I can see that where twenty researchers have all made the same mistake, and all other descent has died out, Thru lines might not be true lines.
I don't have any details for Dad or his parents as I didn't feel comfortable. I only named the great grandparents to see if things would work then. I know there are issues with thrulines and DNA circles before that from reading an FB group's comments. I have sent in a query to ancestry but I'm beginning to think that the trees I can see are wrong and many of the close DNA matches don't have trees to really determine how we are related.
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Old 02-03-19, 07:51
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Originally Posted by Kit View Post

I don't have any details for Dad or his parents as I didn't feel comfortable.

I bet that is the reason. Ancestry say " a well-constructed tree for three or four generations" - ie the bit that is the most difficult for them.

Because some people are naive enough to use their real names or include their year of birth in their user names, I've been able to work out some relationships without any online tree at all.
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Old 03-03-19, 01:51
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I have 3-4 generations just not the closest 3-4 generations to Dad. It may not be as well constructed as they like as I have year of births, not exact dates but it is enough to get matches as tree hints for my online tree with others who have that person in their tree.

I'll wait until Tuesday to see if ancestry get back to me about my lack of matches and then I might add year of birth to my grandparents and see what happens. Anyone who wanted to work it out could anyway as their names appear in the BMD indexes.
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Old 07-03-19, 10:53
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Originally Posted by Phoenix View Post
BM has a well-contructed tree, and no Thru Lines.
The only reason I can see for this is that I refuse to name her parents on her tree. It is, after all, not MY tree, and she has living decendants who may have qualms.
I emailed ancestry the other day and finally got a rather rude reply basically saying "It might be the case that, since you have chosen not to disclose your details and the details of some members in your family, the system would not be able to recognize any information on your tree and provide you with ThruLines." It then goes on to tell me to read the ? mark on the website for more details.

I did read the more details section again and it says it needs 3-4 generations of information which my tree has. It does not have my Dad nor grandparents and only one tree names my grandma but without any other information.

Originally Posted by Phoenix View Post
Those of you for whom Thru lines are working, have you named every ancestor?
Could someone please answer this question? Saves me wondering.
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Old 07-03-19, 11:21
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I have named all as far back as I have the info and I have some Thru Lines.

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Lancashire Non-conformist records new on Ancestry
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