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Old 10-03-17, 22:42
tpb tpb is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 77

A very interesting hypothesis!

But Elizabeth's Will states that if her children live they inherit everything (other than 5 pounds), and if both her children die before they reach the age of 21 then her sister Jane should receive another 30 pounds and the residue goes to Alfred's mother (Mary Anne), if alive,"for her separate use, independently of her husband and free from his ... debts or engagements" or to Mary Anne's children if she is dead.

I am assuming that the Will was drafted by Francis, Alfred's brother, who was a solicitor and one of the executors. Alfred's father, a banker, became bankrupt in 1841. Francis probably knew that the bank was in trouble.

Even if Alfred's Will was invalidated by the subsequent marriage, her Will doesn't help her side of the family, except for that 30 pounds.

I plan to visit England later this year, and will plan to visit Kew, if only to absorb the atmosphere.

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