Thread: DNA Puzzle
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Old 12-10-19, 09:55
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So, I got fed up with trying to figure out DNA matches with no family trees and decided to play around with the groupings on Ancestry to see what else I could find out.

Firstly, I consolidated my Dad's DNA "common ancestor" or known matches into his four grandparent groups, with a couple of distinct subgroups. Then I looked at the shared matches of those matches.

Next I made colour groups for "Matches with F", "Matches with B", "Matches with R" and "Matches with P".

There are some quite surprising results.

Dad and F share 58 matches, while Dad and B, her sister share 66 matches; that's not too much difference, but their cousin shares 93 matches, one-third more. Dad and his nephew share 72. This surprised me because Dad and F share 2031 cMs and, with B its only 1745 and R 1623. (Nephew P shares 1980cMs)

The shared matches with R include a large group that only the 2 of them match with, a group largely in the USA, making me wonder if there might be a connection on her other (paternal) side.

Dad has 76 matches with known members of his Paternal family - 5 in the second cousin range who match with all 5 of our samples, 18 in 3rd cousin range who match with between 2 and 5 of ours. Many of the further-out cousins match randomly with P, F, B and R, some match only with Dad. Some of this depends on the generation - but who matches who seems totally random.

I can see a lot more comparing of matches in my future. I am hoping this might reveal where some of the distant matches fit in.
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