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Old 03-01-11, 10:13
Olde Crone Olde Crone is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 4,823

I wish I could be more disciplined though when I google!

I was googling yesterday, looking for a photo of a small village in Scotland, which I found, but then got sidetracked into a DNA project for a surname in my tree and THEN found a serious medical study for women with that surname somewhere in their history, who have all died of ovarian cancer.

I have had some fantastic genealogical breakthroughs by googling, things I would never have found by the ordinary research routes. Quite often googling an obscure place name pays off too - I picked up an eight year old message about a (misspelled!) place name AND the lady who had left the message still had the same email address. We are third half cousins, I from the first marriage, she from the second. We have been able to fill in the blanks for each other. As neither of us knew the other existed, it's unlikely we would ever have found each other, especially as we each only had half the story!

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