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Old 08-01-19, 21:18
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marquette marquette is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Australia
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I have three ancestry trees which cover some of the same people - one linked to the DNA profiles, direct ancestors only, one that is factual and one that is my conclusions/fantasies. The first two are public trees, and naturally the other is private.

The factual and the fantastical often show up in my searches but my other private trees on other parts of the family don't usually show up in searches.

I don't know if its because there are so few people researching the family of the factual/fantastical, and there are lots of other researching the others, or if its because my trees are private and only people I invite can find my trees.

I have had difficulties finding people in the census too. Some just don't seem to come up without very restrictive search criteria.

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