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Old 06-09-22, 08:15
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It's never stupid to eliminate someone

I was thinking about this 'little Italian' 'insult'. I wondered why Italian in particular? I don't think he looks particularly Italian and a lot of men were short, so I don't know how significant his height would be. I see from his army papers that aged around 18 (1903) he was 5'4 7/8" so, short by today's standards, but not so much for that time frame.

So...why little Italian? Not small Spaniard or tiny Frenchman? I feel as if the nickname must have come from something he himself had said and then perhaps regretted mentioning - people can be so quick to pick up on something and not let it go if they think it irritates, but they just think it's funny. Of course just because others, or Peter himself, thought something doesn't make it true, unfortunately.

Marg, I am not liking your use of the phrase "last grasp" lol We can never give up!!

Hve your daughters got any close(ish) DNA matches that you suspect come from PHH's line, or are they all from other parts of their tree?

"Something has been filled in that I didn't know was blank" Matthew Broderick WDYTYA? March 2010
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