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Old 09-03-19, 12:00
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Phoenix Phoenix is offline
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Originally Posted by Kit View Post
I'm not sure how chromosomes work exactly but we get half from each of our parents. Normally A1 matches with A2, B1 with B2, down the line until the sex chromosomes which are different.

Sometimes however things don't work and A1 for example, breaks. If A1 loses a part there can be some sort of medical condition or disability, I know with a type of epilepsy one sydnrome is a deletion on a chromosome. In other situations A1 breaks but somehow part of A1 merges with D1 and part of D1 merges with the other part of A1, leaving 2 whole chromosomes and there is no issue and you would only know through genetic testing.

I found this on 23andme:

If you are female, you share 23 segments with each parent, and each segment spans the entire chromosome. If you are male, you share 22 segments with father (since the DNA Relatives feature does not use the Y chromosome) and 23 segments with your mother.

Given that I don't understand how you have a stronger match than your father.

Hmm. I have 60 segments matched with sib's child, and 40 matched with cousin.
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