Thread: 2020 deaths
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Old 12-10-21, 19:07
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I think I make more fuss about money these days. When I was a child, a stamp was 3d, a paperback 3s 6d, a packet of fags 3s 2d, a bottle of whisky 30s and a gallon of petrol 4s 11d.

Now Stamp 85p, paperbacks £9, fags £???, whisky £20, petrol - say £6

The increase in books and stamps are not hugely dissimilar to each other. Petrol, however, is not half so expensive, while as for whisky - and I am comparing like for like here - that is astonishingly cheap.

Oh, and yes postcards were 2 1/2d and I think greetings cards were similarly cheap - but of course, if you stuck them down, that might mean there was a postal order inside!
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