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Old 27-02-19, 22:18
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kiterunner kiterunner is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
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Initially it seemed there was just a load of my direct ancestors on the page, and I had to click on each one to see whether it had found any connections from that ancestor (which would take forever!) But then I found out that was only true if I filter by "All ancestors" or "Ancestors from your linked tree". If I choose "potential ancestors" instead, I get a lot of "private" and a few possible ancestors. But in all the cases which I've looked at so far, the DNA matches shown share a known ancestor with me, and then the "potential ancestor" is someone who they have in their tree as a parent of that known ancestor, which may or may not be correct.

So not much use in my opinion, but then DNA Circles weren't much use either, except that they could sometimes tell you that certain people who didn't come up as matches to you had actually had their DNA tested, whereas normally Ancestry doesn't let you know whether non-matches have tested or not.

Family History News updated 21st May
Lancashire Non-conformist records new on Ancestry
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