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marquette 11-01-19 00:37

Using my DNA matches
After several months of bouncing around trying to figure out our (Dad, me, daughter, husband, sister-in-law) matches to different people on Ancestry and GEDMatch, I have finally decided on a plan forward!

I have given up on messaging random people and asking how they might link to our family – very few of them answer, even if they have logged in the last month.

I will use the "note" section to make a note of our common ancestors, the date and anything helpful; which you can look at on the first page, without having to access each DNA match every time.

I am going to go through all the Ancestry Hints on the DNA profiles (which are family trees linked to DNA profiles, not records hints) – this will let me update my family tree from where I left off each branch due to lack/privacy of records. By choosing the Ancestry Hints, it really cut down the number of matches, cutting out those with no or unlinked trees.

This will give me 2-3 or more generations forward. By putting the info into my old PAF database, I can easily calculate relationships between our shared matches as well.

Way down the bottom of Dad's hints list, at 8.1 centimorgans match, is my 3c1r (third cousin once removed). He is actually a half-cousin, if that makes sense; our ancestor had two wives, which is why the match is so small. But, it gives me hope to find descendants of my 4xg grandparents but that’s for later.

When Ancestry next has free US records, I am going to investigate a person called John Fleming Wakefield, who appears in the trees of several shared matches who have nothing in common with my tree – perhaps he is the link.

All this should keep me busy for a while – then I have to go back and fill in the family tree gleanings with proper BDM and other records, and follow them through as far as I can. I can already see one of my husbands matches has a screwed up family tree.

I can see a way to use them make use of the DNA matches now, but its going to take ages to get all the relevant records updated and confirmed.


Guinevere 11-01-19 05:14

It looks like a very thorough method.

Jill 11-01-19 05:49

Di - OH & I have both DNA tested now, no Harwood matches for me, but he has one in Canada, another descendant of his Sarah Harwood and born before her marriage. Hope your UK trip was enjoyable.

marquette 11-01-19 06:41

Hi Jill

I have not found any Harwood matches either, but have a possible Tupper match - the family tree attached is not clear, but at least there are Tuppers ! If I leave it a while till more people test, maybe I will find more.

We had a great time in the UK. We saw so many interesting things, stayed in some great little pubs.

I really cannot even tell you what I liked best. We tried to cover different things, not just old houses and castles. We toured through many of the small towns where our ancestors lived, when the GPS was co-operative.

We had dinner at the pub in Wokingham that was once owned by OH's ancestors. In Sussex, we found St Giles in Graffham on a wet day, missed Sutton however. Wandered around Brighton looking at the streets where the ancestors lived, went up in the i360 lookout.

I am trying hard to get the photos printed and organised, so I can put the FH related ones with their families.


NickiP 11-01-19 06:53

Di, waiting for Ancestry results. It'll be interesting to see if the Wilford connection shows up but might not due to the number of generations back.


marquette 11-01-19 09:35

Hi Nicola

A slim chance, but with DNA you never know.


Jill 11-01-19 13:59


Originally Posted by marquette (Post 355982)
Hi Jill

We had a great time in the UK. We saw so many interesting things, stayed in some great little pubs.

I really cannot even tell you what I liked best. We tried to cover different things, not just old houses and castles. We toured through many of the small towns where our ancestors lived, when the GPS was co-operative.

We had dinner at the pub in Wokingham that was once owned by OH's ancestors. In Sussex, we found St Giles in Graffham on a wet day, missed Sutton however. Wandered around Brighton looking at the streets where the ancestors lived, went up in the i360 lookout.

I am trying hard to get the photos printed and organised, so I can put the FH related ones with their families.


Sounds like you packed a lot into your time here. I hope to get to Sutton again in the summer, the pub has re-opened though the rooms are pricy. You can take your guns as they have gun cabinets!

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