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kiterunner 14-01-19 15:04

Adding biological ancestors to tree
I am now pretty sure that my German great-grandmother's biological father was not her official / legal father (the explanation for at least some of my Jewish DNA). So I want to add the line for the person I think was her biological father to my ancestry tree (I have enough DNA matches to narrow it down fairly closely, thought I would put XXXX Surname rather than a particular man's name, but then I can add his parents and work back from there, and maybe figure out connections with more of my matches that way.)

Should I do it as "Add Alternate Mother / Father"? Does anyone know whether the new line will then show up in my "pedigree" when DNA matches look at my details (which is how I want it to work.) Or is there another way of doing it? I don't want to delete the official line especially since I'm not 100% sure.

kiterunner 14-01-19 15:43

Hmm, looking at "Add Alternate Mother / Father", it seems that the default relationship type when you add a parent to your tree is "biological" but you can change it to one of the following:
adopted, step, foster, related, guardian, private, unknown.

So it looks as though what I need to do is change her legal father to one of those ("step", I guess is the nearest) and add the other as "biological". But I'm not sure any of those categories really fits the bill properly. :(

kiterunner 14-01-19 16:27

In case anybody else has to do this, what I did was change her father to "step", add alternative father set to "biological" and set as preferred, and now the biological father shows up in my pedigree to DNA matches instead of the other one.

Guinevere 15-01-19 05:29

Well done, Kate.

Mary from Italy 15-01-19 12:28

That's a good idea, I may have to do that myself.

Kit 15-01-19 22:10

Taking notes in case I ever do the test myself. I suspect I might need this for my 2g grandfather.

kiterunner 27-01-19 18:43

Now I have figured out the actual Jewish line, I had to go back and undo what I did above and change my grandmother's father to "step" and add in her biological father! Glad I had left the instructions on here!

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