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Phoenix 08-08-22 11:35

Ancestry changes
Apparently, in a few weeks time, our reported DNA ethnicities won't be quite so inaccurate. Not holding my breath.

Mary from Italy 08-08-22 21:26

Me neither :)

My latest ones were just awful.

marquette 11-08-22 09:46

Nor I.

Although, maybe if Dad's supposedly 4% Scottish DNA is revised to something else, then maybe I will take more notice. I think its just remnant DNA from his Celtic ancestors.

Perhaps a larger Reference Panel will help with minority groupings.

kiterunner 16-08-22 22:37

People are saying this will be appearing in the next couple of days.

kiterunner 17-08-22 21:50

Apparently some people have received this update today (I haven't yet) and there is a glitch with the names of some countries and regions being replaced by rubbish, but hopefully they are sorting that out.

kiterunner 17-08-22 22:30

Oh, I stand corrected - I have got the update, but I didn't see anything to say so until I clicked through to view my ethnicity estimage.

kiterunner 17-08-22 22:34

Hmm, now apparently I have 2% Ireland but it comes from my mother? That is definitely wrong! I do have some from my father.

maggie_4_7 19-08-22 13:18

Mine has changed so little I actually didn't think it had changed at all so had to go back and check April's update

Just 1% moved from Ireland to Scotland, so Ireland from 21% to 20% and Scotland from 44% to 45% :d

Mary from Italy 19-08-22 16:59


Originally Posted by kiterunner (Post 411151)
Apparently some people have received this update today (I haven't yet) and there is a glitch with the names of some countries and regions being replaced by rubbish, but hopefully they are sorting that out.

I got the glitch with the rubbish.

HarrysMum 20-08-22 00:11

Mine went from 45% Scottish and 3% German to 36% Irish and 19% Sweden and Norway. I can’t find any Scandinavian at all in my tree, unless you go back to pre 1066 when the Hubands were supposed to be Vikings. My great grandmother comes from a long line of Germans, all southern Germany.

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