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Merry 01-11-12 08:10

Family History Photos - Soldiers
November 2012

Each month we will be asking members to post up family history photographs from a particular catagory. As it is Armistice Day later this month our photo catagory for November is 'soldiers'. Do you have any army photos from the past? (Just army photos this month please - we will be doing other services later)

Photos posted on this thread will eventually be added to our 'Decades of Family History Photographs' forum in order to help others with dating old photographs. (You are welcome to post any photos you like directly to the Decades forum at any time; these monthy requests are just further encouragement!)

Please note that this thread is on an open forum so any captions to your photos may be picked up by Google searches. If you are lucky you may make a family history contact through your post! I made my best family history contact ever through a photograph caption posted on this site!

There is no restriction to the number of photographs you post each month - the more the merrier! However, please make separate posts if your photos are from different decades. Remember to caption your photograph and if you know the date or approximate date, please state that also. If you are unsure, then that is something we can discuss on the thread.

You will need to use photobucket or a similar site to host your pictures. If possible please scan your photos at between 300 and 600dpi - if you need help with uploading your images see here:

How to upload images

Please make sure you have the permission of any named living people in your photos to post their image.

Guinevere 01-11-12 08:43

Thomas Tyrrell 1863 - 1910

Colour Sergeant, Suffolk Regiment.
Served in India, Malta and South Africa.

Guinevere 01-11-12 08:50

British Army bods on leave in Rome after the Italian surrender.

My Dad's in the middle of the back row with a flat hat!

WendyPusey 01-11-12 10:20

My Grandfather Arthur Richard Horne, who was killed in action and buried in France.

This is the only photo I have of him in uniform.

KiwiChris 01-11-12 16:09

My Grandfather Archibald Campbell Hickton with his sister Nan, probably taken about 1916

KiwiChris 01-11-12 16:11

My Grandfather John Leo O'Keefe in the trenches WW1, he is the one sitting down.

KiwiChris 01-11-12 16:18

This is Great Aunt Nan (Ann Elizabeth Hickton) again, this time with her husband Harold Lechner, I believe it is their wedding photo, so taken 24 April 1917! How is that for accurate dating. :D

Oakum Picker 01-11-12 17:28

My grandfather John CRICKMORE c. 1915/16

He served with the 1st Suffolks during the Boer War & with the 3rd Suffolks & Royal Scots during WWI.

Lynn the Forest Fan 01-11-12 19:13

My husband's great grandfather Joseph Vincent Lucas, served in the RGA from 1915 - 1919

With one of the guns

Lynn the Forest Fan 01-11-12 19:16

Another of my husband's great grandfathers, George Hillis Nelson, served in the cheshire Regiment from 1893 to 1919. Awarded the DSO during WW1

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