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HarrysMum 12-01-14 01:05

Thank you Mary...I could open both of those links. Pity I skipped most of my French classes at

Does it happen to say how she died?

I'm even sadder now. I hoped she had a long happy life......ah well...

Mary from Italy 12-01-14 01:45

No, unfortunately it doesn't give a cause of death. I can't read the occupation of the first informant, but it doesn't look like doctor or anything similar.

I had a look at Giacobbi deaths in Algeria for a few years after she died, just in case she died in childbirth, but I didn't find anything.

However, I did find an entry that shows that the Lieutenant Giacobbi that Phoenix mentioned in the other thread wasn't François (apart from the fact that François is shown as a landowner, not a soldier, in Agatha's death cert).

The newspaper reports relate to a heroic action in Algeria in October 1846 by a Lieut Giacobbi leading a troop of native infantry. There's an entry in the French archives showing that a Lieut Giacobbi of the native infantry batallion applied to buy a house in Blida, Algeria, in January 1846, and a birth and death in Blida in 1853 of a child of Captain Antoine Felix Giacobbi of the native infantry Battalion, and his wife Josephine, so I should think Antoine is the one mentioned in the newspaper reports.

It is sad, but at least she found happiness when she married François.

Mary from Italy 12-01-14 01:46

By the way, if anyone who knows French wants to have a go at deciphering the missing words and can't open the image, send me a PM with your e-mail address, and I'll send it to you.

Mary from Italy 12-01-14 01:58

By the way, I searched for a remarriage or death for François in Algeria, but didn't find one.

Mary from Italy 12-01-14 02:06

If you remember, I said in one of the old threads that I'd found an Agathe Blanche Giacobbi born in Paris, too late to be Agatha's child, but I wondered if she might be François' child by a second marriage.

I happened across her marriage in Algiers in 1880, but she turns out to be the daughter of an Alexandre Giacobbi deceased and his wife Caroline.

Janet 12-01-14 02:13


Originally Posted by Mary from Italy (Post 259975)
By the way, if anyone who knows French wants to have a go at deciphering the missing words and can't open the image, send me a PM with your e-mail address, and I'll send it to you.

I've PM'd you, Mary. Not sure how long my eyes are going to remain open tonight, though. *yawning smiley* Half of me wants to jump impatiently into the elusive Agatha after all this time, and the other half is of the opinion that we've waited this long, it can wait until I get a good night's sleep! :d

Janet 12-01-14 03:22

This is my reading of it:

No. 295

Acte de Décès

L'an mil huit cent quarante neuf le douze Mars neuf heures du matin

Devant nous Jean François Roland de Bussy, chevalier de la légion d'honneur, adjoint au Mairie de la ville d'Alger, délégué pour remplir les fonctions d'officier de l'Etat civil près la dite commune.

Sont comparus: le Sieur Joseph Marie Montera[s?] chanoine âgé de quarante quatre ans, demeurant à Alger et le S[ieur]. Jacques-Louis Cailly, receveur principal des douanes agé de quarante neuf ans, demeurant à Alger rue Boutin [is that a number??]

Lesquels nous ont déclaré que la nommée Agathe Ariel, âgé de vingt sept ans, épouse du Sr François Giacobbi

propriétaire, demeurant ensemble à Alger rue Boutin [is that a number??] née à

Bristol (Angleterre) fils des défunts mariés Miles Ariel et

Elisabeth Naylor, est décédé ce matin a six heures au domicile

susdit, De tout ce que dessus nous avons rédigé le présent

acte que les comparants ont signé avec nous après lectures.

[/s] Montera[s?] [/s] Roland de Bussy [/s] L. Cailly

I am reading into his abbreviation "S." the word "Sieur".
I couldn't really honestly say I could read a street number in those two places.
The last line consists of 3 signatures indicated by [/s] on my part.

Mary from Italy 12-01-14 03:47

That's mostly what I got, although there are a couple of errors:

- the Registrar is J F Roland de Bussy, not Richard

- Montera's age is quarante-quatre

- where you've put "et garant" it should be "des douanes".

However, you got one word I didn't, which was "receveur", so Cailly's full occupation is "receveur principal des douanes".

I'll update the translation to include that, thanks.

I'm not sure about the numbers, either. The first one almost looks like Arabic, although everything else is in French, so it seems unlikely.

The second one may be a 7, but I'm not certain. In modern French the number 7 has a horizontal line through it, but I checked no. 297 in the register, and there was no line.

I think the name you have as Monteras may just be Montera with a flourish at the end.

And I think your "Chanomil" is probably Montera's occupation, not a name.

I'm guessing Agatha's address may be Rue Boutin, although it looks more like Bautin, because there was a Rue Boutin in Algiers.

Janet 12-01-14 03:48

EDIT: Just saw you've posted. Will go through that and come back here.


Thanks for the image. I think we're pretty much on the same page, Mary.



Yes! receveur principal des douanes - so I will edit my post.

My other musings, before I saw your last post:

= the owner
I suppose they're talking about the residence being owned by him.

De tout ce que dessus nous avons rédigé le présent
acte que les comparants ont signé avec nous après lectures.

From all of which above I have prepared the present document, which those appearing before me signed alongside me, having first read it.

Mary from Italy 12-01-14 03:56

I've just been having a look at the dictionary to see if I can work out the first witness's occupation.

It might possibly be chanoine (canon, in the religious sense).

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