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kiterunner 04-11-09 09:15

British Army WW1 service records - ancestry
Tell us about your finds!

kiterunner 04-11-09 09:24

I've already found my 2xg-uncle Frederick Galway on the Irish Casualties database, although I don't think it has any info that I hadn't already got elsewhere.

So come on, let's hear about everyone else's finds!

kiterunner 04-11-09 09:48

I think I've found my grandfather's cousin in the WW1 service papers, but he had a fairly common name, so I'm reading through trying to find something to confirm whether it's him or not.

Georgette 04-11-09 10:02

You're doing well, Kate :) I haven't found anyone yet, but I'm still looking :D

Jennifer Eccles 04-11-09 11:18


*rushes off to find grandads service records*

Phoenix 04-11-09 11:24

I wish I could tell whether anything was originally a mis-sort, as I've seen the original microfilms for most of mine and am baffled as to why some have two entries where there was just the one on the films.

Also, the search engine is shunting surnames into the forename boxes, so isn't finding some people.

kiterunner 04-11-09 11:39

Yes, I've found that happening too, Phoenix. If you keep retrying the search then it works eventually.

Phoenix 04-11-09 11:43

I've also had fun playing with the location box! Though my grandfather gave his parents' address, when he was actually working on the other side of the county.

WendyPusey 04-11-09 13:35

Have found an entry in the Irish Casualties for the son of my Great Grandmother's brother who was born in Dublin.

Still can't find my Grandfather's papers though.

Langley Vale Sue 04-11-09 15:40

I have found my Great Grandfather's papers - all 17 pages of them :) Some are blank though. He was in the Territorials, something I only found out recently from one of his sons' marriage record on the LMA records.

His surname is very uncommon, Tivers, and although he had 3 sons and at least 4 nephews of eligible age, I can only find one other listed under that name who was his cousin. I know my Grandad (born 1900) lied about his age to join up at 17 and I have a photo of him in uniform, but no records for him nor for either of his older brothers. The trouble is, the name is so often mistranscribed (I have at least 8 different listings from various records) that it is almost impossible to find the rest of the family. Even the only other one I found is mistranscribed as Twers!

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