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Wallaby 07-11-14 20:37

Book Announcement
Hi Everyone . . . remember me & my Freemans !

Can you ever forgive me for going AWOL for so long! Columbo & I have had such an awful, awful time & it’s not over for us yet. So please don’t think I’ve forgotten any of you - you are the stars of my parents’ story!

Now, you might be pleased to know that I did not abandon the book, in fact, it’s been therapy for me this last year.

Within the next 2 WEEKS, the book entitled ‘THE DADDY OF ALL MYSTERIES” will actually, believe it or not, be AVAILABLE for . . . DISPATCH.

At last, I can fling this laptop off my knee!

After meeting every shark in the publishing industry, (& believe me there are shoals of them circling for first-time authors), I ended up designing my own book cover, doing my own typesetting & I even managed to get a few good reviews, with a few more pending.

I’ve decided to launch a PILOT BOOK first. It is the REAL book - just minus the ISBN, because I will first be testing the water with this pilot launch to measure sales over Christmas. If the response looks promising, I will then go ahead & self-publish with the pilot being available in the meantime.

I will be giving away one signed FREE copy to all members who have helped in the search for Harry. I will also pay the postage for those FREE books. I appreciate every bit of time & effort that you have given to my research.

If you're thinking of Christmas pressies, the book will also be for sale on eBay where you can see the front cover & also read the blurb on the back cover. (Hope this link works)

The book, which includes family & members’ contributions, plus pieces I’ve written about members who were too modest to write a contribution, grew to over 360 pages, which became prohibitively expensive to publish & also publishers who at least took the time to reply to my submissions, explained that the Family Memoir book market is saturated at the moment & it’s books about sex and vampiers (or vampiers having sex) that are selling strong.

The Daddy of all Mysteries contains 110,000 words plus over 70 photos! (no sex, although there might be the odd vampier, but vampiers don’t show themselves in mirrors or photographs) Anyway, by learning a few tricks of the publishing trade, I’ve managed to condense the book into 276 pages, to keep the price ticket down to £10.

So if you’re looking for some stocking fillers, please remember . . . The Daddy of all Mysteries. I’m sure FTF & Genealogists' Forum, which are mentioned in the credits, will get plenty of new members from it.

I've missed you all soooo much, but please forgive me for not being active, we are going through a nightmare.


Margaret in Burton 07-11-14 21:14

I was only thinking about you a few days ago. Looking forward to seeing the finished result.

GenieDi 07-11-14 21:35

Gosh well done you, I have just had a look and seriously tempted, I have recently been reading a lot of books with a Liverpool flavour. This looks amazing.

Wallaby 07-11-14 21:39


Originally Posted by Margaret in Burton (Post 287130)
I was only thinking about you a few days ago. Looking forward to seeing the finished result.

Hi Margaret, lovely to here from you. I've missed everyone so much. I've replied via eBay too.


Wallaby 07-11-14 21:41


Originally Posted by GenieDi (Post 287133)
Gosh well done you, I have just had a look and seriously tempted, I have recently been reading a lot of books with a Liverpool flavour. This looks amazing.

Hi Di,

Thank you, it's certainly been a learning curve & taken about 4 years of my life.
There's plenty of Scouse humour, even amongst the sad parts.


Janet 07-11-14 22:08

Aaaaargh, can I get one over here in the U.S.? :confused:

Wallaby 07-11-14 22:16


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 287137)
Aaaaargh, can I get one over here in the U.S.? :confused:

Yes Janet, but postage might be a bit pricey. Let me look at eBay tomorrow & tweak for worldwide delivery. It weighs about 400g & is A5 size.

I'll keep you posted, Janet ;-)

I'll also be working an a trailer, which I'll put on here soon & whoever would like to copy & paste the trailer to promote the book on other websites, please be my guest. This book is just as much about the story of members' effort from small websites such as this.


Janet 08-11-14 03:26

Thank you very much, Wallaby. :)

Kit 08-11-14 07:02

I posted on FTF too. So excited you are at the publishing stage.

ElizabethHerts 08-11-14 07:09

I'm so excited, Wallaby! What a brilliant achievement to get this to publication.

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